25+ years service

Our story

For the past 25 years, we have been a leading provider of professional language services for companies operating in the global marketplace. Our innovative and comprehensive solutions have enabled these organizations to bridge language barriers and communicate effectively with their international staff. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through our story, highlighting the solutions we have provided to multinational companies, the challenges we have overcome, and the value we have brought to countless organizations worldwide.

Section 1: The Early Days – Laying the Foundations

As the world started to become increasingly interconnected in the late 20th century, we recognized the growing need for businesses to communicate effectively with their international teams. We began by offering translation and interpretation services, helping companies bridge the language gap and foster effective communication with their diverse workforce.

Section 2: Expanding Our Service Offerings

Over the years, we have continually evolved and expanded our services to cater to the ever-changing needs of our clients. Today, our professional language solutions include:

  1. Translation services: Our team of expert linguists provides accurate translations for a variety of industries, including legal, medical, technical, and more.
  2. Interpretation services: We offer both simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services, ensuring seamless communication during meetings, conferences, and events.
  3. Language training: Our customized language training programs are designed to help employees improve their language skills and communicate more effectively with their international colleagues.
  4. Localization services: We assist companies in adapting their products, websites, and marketing materials to resonate with local audiences across the globe.
  5. Language consulting: Our language consultants help companies create and implement strategies to address their specific language-related challenges.

Section 3: Overcoming Challenges in a Globalized World

Our 25-year journey has not been without challenges, but we have consistently risen to the occasion. From managing complex projects involving multiple languages and tight deadlines to adapting to advancements in technology, we have remained at the forefront of the language services industry.

Section 4: The Impact of Our Solutions

Our professional language services have had a significant impact on the businesses we serve. By enabling effective communication and collaboration between international staff, we have helped companies:

  1. Improve employee satisfaction and retention
  2. Increase productivity and efficiency
  3. Enhance customer satisfaction by providing localized products and services
  4. Expand their global reach and increase market share


Over the last 25 years, our professional language services have played a crucial role in helping multinational companies succeed in the global marketplace. We are proud of the value we have brought to these organizations and their international staff, and we look forward to continuing to provide innovative and comprehensive language solutions in the years to come.

Client Testimonials

“I am extreamly happy with the lessons that I got. My teacher Derek gave me a lot of advices and tips how to improve my business english skills. I changed my behavior and the results is great.”
Andrii V
“Derek helped me to improve my skills as a trainer and coach. I loved to book him for my keynote speaker project: #susangoesinternational. Thank you so much..”
Susanne N
“Ich habe mich sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt und mein Englisch ist deutlich sicherer geworden. Als nächstes werde ich hier mein Spanisch auffrischen. Daumen hoch für Interspeech, klare Weiterempfehlung!.”
Katrin B